Reviews & More

Trust Pilot vs WOWPilot: The Ultimate Product Review Platform Comparison.


Who is better WOWPilot or Trustpilot? If you wish to have a quick way to find out which CRM Software product is better, our exclusive system gives WOWPilot a score of 9.2 and Trustpilot a score of 9.0 for total quality and performance. Furthermore.

You can also review their product details, including features, tools, options, plans, costs, and many more. See if the application can customize at least part of its funnels to guarantee the app fits your own business procedures.

You have quite a few customer review platforms to choose from, but today we’d like to compare two of the most popular ones:

One thing you’ll notice is that the features vary quite a bit with all two, but they still deliver the same results: More reviews for your business.

So, keep reading to learn more as we pit Trust Pilot vs WOWPilot.

User Interface and Features:

Trust Pilot’s platform is built on its review invitations, where it gives you templates to send out messages that prompt people to write reviews. It also has a community (similar to Yelp) where users go on the site to review all sorts of businesses. Therefore, you have access to this willing community, but you’ll have to manage a company profile.

You can also integrate with Facebook, respond to reviews and publish ratings on search engine results.

WOWPilot has more specific integrations than other solutions. They do tend to focus more on retention and marketing, making it a complete suite. As for the reviews, WOWPilot has customized emails and forms that are automatically sent out after a purchase. In addition, the emails try to upsell customers on different products. Users can post their own photos to reviews,  Therefore, I would argue that WOWPilot wins the setup battle. 


The cheapest Trust Pilot plan starts at $299 per month, with support for collecting and displaying reviews, along with 30 invitations per month and sharing to social media accounts. The next plan requires a quote, but you gain access to 1000 review invitations per month, rich snippets, exporting, HootSuite integration and more. Finally, the third plan also requires a quote, but you get more than 1000 invitations per month, Keep in mind that you can claim your profile for free. 

WOWPilot is Little different. You can signup for a free trial, The Starter plan is completely free (forever,) but it only gives you Only Free Listing and Collect Reviews, (Check Website). 

Otherwise, you can choose 2 other Plans ( Small Business Plans and Companies Plan With 7 Days Trial. In Companies Plans You’ll Get all these Features:-

  • Get Featured
  • Free Listing
  • Collect Reviews
  • Display Reviews On Your Website
  • Displays Reviews on Google 
    Collect Reviews By Email

Which Customer Reviews Platform Should You Choose?

WOWPilot have free Lite plan, allowing companies to test out and not end up paying any money down the road. However, it really depends on your company, so its recommend contacting each service to see which platforms gets you the best bang for your buck.

As for the overall interface and feature-sets, WOWPilot beat Trust Pilot.

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